IKELOS creates and develops innovative microscopic image concepts. IKELOS works interdisciplinary with and for universities, museums, architects, graphic designers, movie producers and printing works to fulfill individual clients requests.
IKELOS stands for authenticity. Every single image is purely made to bestpossible qualitative and technical standards. Our images are all of natural origin (!) and only digitally enhanced for electron microscopic images.
Development image concepts & their architectural translation
High quality scientific photography service (including fullHD movie)
Individual design solutions of interior/exterior by innovative image concepts
Scientific articles (for non scientists): texts & images / cover figures
Lectures / presentations
Stock photography
Scientific Cover Figure Design
Stock photography
Our stock photos are used by the most famous photography magazines. Please inquire for stock images and prices.
Our stock image library contains over 50k images from samples ranging from elephant hair and sea shell cross sections to microfossilic sand.
Light microscopy
Scanning electron microscope
Microscopic imaging
IKELOS is dedicated to high-end scanning electron and light microscopic imaging. To image from the small to the smallest. The picture below depicts a macro shot of the beetle Phyllobius argentatum with the corresponding digitally coloured scanning electron micrograph of the elytron.
- Article on IKELOS in the yearly edition of the Sukkulentenhaus Zurich Spitze!
- Article on IKELOS (german) Walliser Boten (german)
- Article on IKELOS in Tagesanzeiger: Unter der Lupe (german)
- Olympus Bioscapes International Digital Imaging Competition 2011 image published in
Collaborations with universities
Department of Clinical Research, University of Berne, Switzerland
Animal pathology, University of Berne, Switzerland
Anatomy, University of Berne, Switzerland
ZMB, University of Basle, Switzerland
Sukkulentensammlung, Zurich, Switzerland
Images / Colouration: From raw image to close-to-natural